International Arbitration in the COMECON countries // Moscow: Arbitration and Regulation of International Commercial Relations: Russian, foreign and transnational approaches, Liber Amicorum in celebration of the 70 anniversary of A.S.Komarov, 2019 Statut publishing House, pp. 568-589;This article provides an overview of the development of arbitration in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe in the XX century, especially during the Soviet era and the existence of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (hereinafter - COMECON). Consideration is given to applicable international legal documents (in particular, the Convention on the Settlement by Arbitration of Civil Law Disputes Resulting from Relations of Economic and Scientific-Technical Cooperation (Moscow, 26 May 1972)) and the specifics of the arbitration process in the arbitral tribunals of COMECON member-states. The author believes that despite having certain features alien to modern arbitration, arbitral proceedings during the COMECON era were of vital importance and laid a foundation for the development of modern arbitration in Central and Eastern Europe.